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India Textile Market—-Diversified Development

India economic developed a lot recently, and has been among top ten market with the fastest development. India GDP achieve to 3.08 trillion in 2021, which became the sixth largest economy in the world. China and India always has good economic relationship for recent years. Year 2020, the economic between India and China is 87.59 billion, and the direct investment from China to India is 200 million.
Textile Industrial in India

India is the second-largest textile manufacture in the world, only after China, so textile industrial has huge contributions to its GDP, with 2.3%, and cover industrial output 7%, with 45 million workers.

The spinning system in India is high-developed, most of the enterprise ask for high speed and high production. South area is more facility on cotton spinning, while north area is more focus on blended, and colored spinning. Up until now, there are about 51 million Ring Spinning and 900 thousand Jet Spinning. 2021-2022, the capacity of the yarn is 6.35 million ton, cotton yarn is about 476 million ton.
India is the world’s sixth largest exporter on textiles and garment, accounting about 5% of the global trading. 2021-2022, India has exported textiles and garments for about 44billion, in which about 12 billion is for the garments and clothing is, 4.8 billion is for home textile, 4billion is for fabric, 3.8 billion is for yarn, 1.8billion is for fiber. Cotton production accounted about 38.7% of all exports. Local government has started the super-size integrated textile region and industrial area (MITRA), and it is plan to establish 7 big textile industrial parka within 3 years, cover all region of all textile industry.

Textile Equipment in India
The textile spinning equipment basically achieve localization, India Local brand LMW with very high market sharing. The machine majored in Ne30,Ne40, the spinning machine with 20000rpm running speed. At the same time, the traditional cotton spinning reduce the proportion, market is more forward into varieties production, for example polyester/cotton blended, polyester/viscose blended.
Shuttle weaving industrial basically has finished the upgrade, a lot of the shuttle weaving machine has been replaced by high-speed rapier loom and the air jet machine. There are two region focus on knitting industrial, Triuper in the south, and Ludhiana in north.
Dyeing and finishing industrial, the enterprise prefer to purchase the equipment more environment friendly and water saving. From the location region, Tirupur in the south area mainly produce knitted fabric, Chinese equipment and European equipment is more used. Gujarat in western area is mainly produce denim, local brand equipment mainly used.
Chemical fiber production line, the polyester POY filament line is majored in Silvassa, Polyester staple fiber line is highly concentrated on several large company. Reliance is the monopoly position in polyester filament and staple fiber. Local Government Issue sever policy to support the material recycling, so the recycled staple fiber line and filament line is more favored by local investors.
Nonwoven industrial is the major developing area. However the industrial line not complete enough, the final production is more majored in nonwoven fabric with low value added.in recently years, there are change on the nonwoven market too, some company purchased several high performance spun lace line, the final production is turned with more technology, and more value-added. The market with great potential now.
Based on all the textile field, India market is big but competition a lot. If there are any exported plan to India, the best way is to provide customized solution based on different need of customers.
