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CTMTC exports water purification equipment to Pakistan

news-5China Texmatech Co., Ltd. (CTMTC), a subsidiary of Sinomach, developed the export business of non-textile mechanical and electrical products during the pandemic period.

Relying on advanced RICS water purification technology, the company recently signed a contract to export water purification equipment to Pakistan.

The contract involves a canal water purification project with a daily treatment of 250 tons. The treated water, which meets the drinking water standard of the World Health Organization, will be mainly used for the local textile mills.

After three months of technical exchanges and rounds of business negotiations between the two sides along with the CTMTC’s continuous improvement made in line with the requirements of customers, and with due attention to the global pandemic situation, the project has finally been signed and come into effect. It is expected to be completed and delivered to the customers this September.

As the first water treatment project of CTMTC in an overseas market, it plays a positive role in the company’s development and marks a step forward in the environmental protection field.

CTMTC is the world’s leading integrated service provider in the textile trade, and has made outstanding achievements in waste gas treatment and waste gas recovery in viscose projects. It has also acted as the import agent of DOW FILMTEC Reverse Osmosis Membrane and domestic sewage treatment projects.